Goodbye Paul and Thanks

Last week was a tough week for my A. My A works in an office and no matter how many letters I write they just won’t let me go to work with him. I am not really sure what the issue is but I do know I am only allowed there at night.
I have seen some of the overnight guys in the Ops center and I am pretty sure I could at least hold my own. I am getting of the subject here. Well last week on Thursday my A’s fish died. Yup he had a fish at work living in a bowl on his desk. At the end he was really sick and my A did all he could for him but he still died.
It was rough on my A because Paul was there swimming around on his desk everyday for the last 2.5 years. Imagine having to go to work everyday for 2.5 years no matter what. I sort of feel bad for Paul he was stuck in an office all the time. I think my A is way more fun at home than at work. My A did let him sit on the window sill when it was sunny outside and would change his water every week. Really for a Beta fish he has a pretty good life.
It was always nice to know that when my A left to go to work he would at least have Paul there to keep him company. It really allowed me to worry less and focus on other things like Nut Silo, letter writing and day trading.
Paul will be missed.
Since I know you are all wondering. Services for Paul were very private and tasteful. A few words were said and he was laid to rest in the pond across the street from my A’s office where he will join Burt. Please as you are reading this take a brief moment and think of Paul I am sure it will mean a lot to my A.
In order to help fill the void left by Paul I have gotten my A some Triops which he will be hatching soon. This will be covered in more detail later but for today I wanted to focus my thoughts on Paul.
My condolences
RIP little fishy...
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