I am not sure what to do with the money back guarantee. I need to get over the A-frame but that money could help me pay my A back. I think A would want me to go for the A- frame. So that is what I am going to do. Hopefully the licensing fees on “Nut Silo” will start rolling in soon.
During class Conner’s J asked my A if he groomed me himself. My A told her he did and she said she could tell. Conner’s J is a professional groomer. It kind of hurt my feeling because I know my A & R try to make me look good and I think I look pretty darn good. I know I am a little shaggy and not groomed perfect like those sissy show dogs. However I don’t pee on the floor like Conner did last night. That is right he peed on the floor. I have not peed on a floor in over a year. Come on really how gross is that. You can have as nice a hair cut as you want but I would think most people would still notice the giant yellow puddle you are standing in buddy. So back off!
Conner’s J did say she would groom me but when my A called today they were all booked till mid Jan. I am going to have my A give me a bath this weekend. Then I am going to get over the A-frame and show that Conner. That guy thinks he is so cool just because he can get over the A-frame. Hey Conner you climb like a squirrel ya punk.
Standing in your own pee is worse than getting over the A frame Stephen. You keep at it buddy.
It was fun to see you and your people last night. :-) Thanks for a fun visit!
Wow, what a jerk. Your haircut's fine!
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