
So anyway Drew has gone ahead and tagged me whatever that means. Apparently tagging something internet geeks do. Kind of like those chain mail emails that everyone forwarded a few years back. You remember, forward this email to 10 friends and you will have good luck if you don’t your car will be sat on by an elephant. Blah Blah Blah it is all just social engineering, someone must think this stuff is fun but it sure as heck is not me. Come on I am a dog I like to chew stuff and bury things and even I don’t find chain email interesting. I am locked in a house all day and I still have better things to do with my time than to forward useless email to people. Fortunately I don’t own a car. On the other hand I apparently have been selected to help the deposed Prince of a small African nation get some money out of the country. I am going to get like 15% of 300 million dollars. I can’t wait that should pay off the seatbelt incident nicely, it should also give me enough money to put in a pool. I just need to send over my bank account numbers so they can do the wire transfer. My A is going to be so proud.
After Drew came through for my R and I with the Wii I feel like I owe him so I am going to answer his silly questions. I am supposed to pick 10 movies 5 or my favorites and 5 guilty pleasures. Here we go
Stephen Favorites
1) Far from home, the adventures of Yellow Dog
2) Homeward Bound the incredible Journey
3) White Fang
4) Chips the War Dog
5) The 1st half of Kujo
Guilty Pleasures
1) Milo and Otis
2) Benji
3) Snow Dogs
4) Lady and the Tramp
5) The Shaggy dog (the original not the crappy remake with Tim Allen)
I was wondering when you were gonna update your blog. Good luck with the African Prince.
That's the best Top 10 ever, Stephen!!!
Good luck with your African Prince. Just remember to send your A's bank account number, not your R's. ;-)
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