Finally a chance to Donate for SPITE!!!!
As you know I have a personality conflict with a guy in my neighborhood, Mr. Mailbox as I call him. If you have spent anytime here you know my A and I have had several runs with this guy. The guy is pretty much a jerk and has this issue with anyone walking along the grass in his front yard. Problem is the grass is not his it is the towns and should really be a side walk.
A bunch of people for the neighborhood, (Ok everyone but Mr. Mailbox) signed a petition to have the sidewalk finished. As you can see from the pictures there should be a sidewalk there. Mr. Mailbox has planted trees to force people to walk in the street. Maybe he like watching people dodge cars. When you walk on the grass Mr. Mailbox yells at you. It is so not fair to get yelled at for doing something that you have every right to do. I get yelled at enough for the things I should not be doing I am still recovering from the cracker incident. Lately my A and I have been walking on the other side of the street just to avoid this jerk. (Ok I said it, he is a jerk I am sorry but he is). We should be able to walk where we want as long as we are on public land and not hurting anything.
My A has contacted the town and confirmed this is public land but Mr. Mailbox refuses to acknowledge that fact.. Even when you point out to him that this is public property, he still claims it is his property and insists you should not walk there. I guess for him it is easier to be a jerk than find top spend 2 minutes talking to someone to get the facts strait. People who take a firm stance when they are clearly wrong really annoy me.
Late last year we send the following letter to the board of selectmen
Board of Selectmen
Town of bark
bark, AA 90210
Dear Sirs:
We are writing to express concern over the current sidewalk situation on Barking Lane. There is a lack of a sidewalk in front of 19 barking Lane, although there is a sidewalk from the intersection of Barking Lane and Cat St. and from 21 Barking Lane to the end of the street. There is a gap of approximately 25ft, where there is no sidewalk although the town owns the land.
This gap in the sidewalk forces people to walk in the street posing three safety issues:
1. Like the town as a whole, Barking Lane is a family-oriented neighborhood with a high level of pedestrian traffic. Many of the families here have small children. This gap in the sidewalk makes it difficult for parents to teach street safety to their young children, as they are forced to leave the safety of the sidewalk and walk in the street.
2. Evening sees many of our families out for walks. Recent traffic enforcement by the Woofton Police department has revealed that Barking Lane is being used as a cut-through for commuters. Unfortunately, those commuting through the neighborhood are often exceeding the speed limits. Coupled with the fact that Barking lane runs east to west, this creates a dangerous situation at sunset. Further, since there is a sidewalk for much of the street, drivers are not expecting to see people in the road. In essence, this area is an auto/pedestrian accident waiting to happen.
3. Just as the evening commute is a dangerous time for families walking, children walking to their assigned bus-stops must walk in the street during busy-morning commute times. Currently there are several children from kindergarten to Middle School who live above 19 Barking Lane and get the school bus at the intersection of Barking Lane and Cat Street. These children are forced to walk into the street to cross the gap in the sidewalk. This is simply not safe. Children should be provided a safe path to get to school or the school bus-stop.
Adding a 20-30’ section of sidewalk would rectify all of these issues. Obviously we are well aware of the town’s financial constraints, but feel the safety of our children is priceless. We also believe the remedy is of minimal expense because the town already owns the land in question. In fact, we are recommending an inexpensive stop-gap measure to be implemented in the event that the sidewalk can not be extended in the near term. Currently the area where the sidewalk should be is blocked by several small trees and some large rocks. Removing these impediments and installing a gravel or sand pathway until a permanent sidewalk can be installed would be an adequate solution.
We thank you for sharing our concern in this matter.
We presented this letter along with 100 signatures from residents on the street. Currently we are getting ready to go back to the board to follow up and see what we can get done. In the process of getting ready for this meeting we have gotten some rough cost estimates, from the head of the DPW. We have also determined that is it possible to donate money specifically for this project. Now I am not asking for money, at least not yet.
What I am asking for is support. If we can not get the town to fund this we may end up trying to raise the money ourselves. I am trying to get a feel for if people would be interested in donating. Hopefully it will not come to that but if it does it would be nice to know you are behind me. I know there are a ton of great causes out there but this cause is unique. How often are you given the opportunity to donate to a cause that stands up for the little guy and basically says screw you to a huge jerk. How often can you get a tax deduction for telling a huge jerk to go to heck? Hey Jimmy I just gave $5 to plow under the jackasses front lawn on 19 Barking lane. I
What I am asking today is that you let me know if you would be willing to donate if the need arises. You can donate as much or a little as you want and again I am not asking for any money today. I really just want to know if you would be possibly interested in donating for SPITE.
You don’t often get to go around and say “Hi I am taking up a collection for SPITE” I think it would be awesome if we could get people from all around the country or world to agree to give a few dollars if needed and show this guy what can happen when nice people band together against the jerks in our lives.
I would love to write a Dear Mr. Mailbox letter about how we were all able to band together and raise the money to plow under what he thinks is the first 6 feet of his front lawn.
Please let me know if you might be interested in supporting this cause. Drop me an email at stephenthedog(at) or stick a comment on this post. Hopefully the town will step up and take care of the issue but if not it would be nice to say we have a ton of people who are ready to back this project in the event that fail.
Would you donate for SPITE?
A bunch of people for the neighborhood, (Ok everyone but Mr. Mailbox) signed a petition to have the sidewalk finished. As you can see from the pictures there should be a sidewalk there. Mr. Mailbox has planted trees to force people to walk in the street. Maybe he like watching people dodge cars. When you walk on the grass Mr. Mailbox yells at you. It is so not fair to get yelled at for doing something that you have every right to do. I get yelled at enough for the things I should not be doing I am still recovering from the cracker incident. Lately my A and I have been walking on the other side of the street just to avoid this jerk. (Ok I said it, he is a jerk I am sorry but he is). We should be able to walk where we want as long as we are on public land and not hurting anything.
My A has contacted the town and confirmed this is public land but Mr. Mailbox refuses to acknowledge that fact.. Even when you point out to him that this is public property, he still claims it is his property and insists you should not walk there. I guess for him it is easier to be a jerk than find top spend 2 minutes talking to someone to get the facts strait. People who take a firm stance when they are clearly wrong really annoy me.
Late last year we send the following letter to the board of selectmen
Board of Selectmen
Town of bark
bark, AA 90210
Dear Sirs:
We are writing to express concern over the current sidewalk situation on Barking Lane. There is a lack of a sidewalk in front of 19 barking Lane, although there is a sidewalk from the intersection of Barking Lane and Cat St. and from 21 Barking Lane to the end of the street. There is a gap of approximately 25ft, where there is no sidewalk although the town owns the land.
This gap in the sidewalk forces people to walk in the street posing three safety issues:
1. Like the town as a whole, Barking Lane is a family-oriented neighborhood with a high level of pedestrian traffic. Many of the families here have small children. This gap in the sidewalk makes it difficult for parents to teach street safety to their young children, as they are forced to leave the safety of the sidewalk and walk in the street.
2. Evening sees many of our families out for walks. Recent traffic enforcement by the Woofton Police department has revealed that Barking Lane is being used as a cut-through for commuters. Unfortunately, those commuting through the neighborhood are often exceeding the speed limits. Coupled with the fact that Barking lane runs east to west, this creates a dangerous situation at sunset. Further, since there is a sidewalk for much of the street, drivers are not expecting to see people in the road. In essence, this area is an auto/pedestrian accident waiting to happen.
3. Just as the evening commute is a dangerous time for families walking, children walking to their assigned bus-stops must walk in the street during busy-morning commute times. Currently there are several children from kindergarten to Middle School who live above 19 Barking Lane and get the school bus at the intersection of Barking Lane and Cat Street. These children are forced to walk into the street to cross the gap in the sidewalk. This is simply not safe. Children should be provided a safe path to get to school or the school bus-stop.
Adding a 20-30’ section of sidewalk would rectify all of these issues. Obviously we are well aware of the town’s financial constraints, but feel the safety of our children is priceless. We also believe the remedy is of minimal expense because the town already owns the land in question. In fact, we are recommending an inexpensive stop-gap measure to be implemented in the event that the sidewalk can not be extended in the near term. Currently the area where the sidewalk should be is blocked by several small trees and some large rocks. Removing these impediments and installing a gravel or sand pathway until a permanent sidewalk can be installed would be an adequate solution.
We thank you for sharing our concern in this matter.
We presented this letter along with 100 signatures from residents on the street. Currently we are getting ready to go back to the board to follow up and see what we can get done. In the process of getting ready for this meeting we have gotten some rough cost estimates, from the head of the DPW. We have also determined that is it possible to donate money specifically for this project. Now I am not asking for money, at least not yet.
What I am asking for is support. If we can not get the town to fund this we may end up trying to raise the money ourselves. I am trying to get a feel for if people would be interested in donating. Hopefully it will not come to that but if it does it would be nice to know you are behind me. I know there are a ton of great causes out there but this cause is unique. How often are you given the opportunity to donate to a cause that stands up for the little guy and basically says screw you to a huge jerk. How often can you get a tax deduction for telling a huge jerk to go to heck? Hey Jimmy I just gave $5 to plow under the jackasses front lawn on 19 Barking lane. I
What I am asking today is that you let me know if you would be willing to donate if the need arises. You can donate as much or a little as you want and again I am not asking for any money today. I really just want to know if you would be possibly interested in donating for SPITE.
You don’t often get to go around and say “Hi I am taking up a collection for SPITE” I think it would be awesome if we could get people from all around the country or world to agree to give a few dollars if needed and show this guy what can happen when nice people band together against the jerks in our lives.
I would love to write a Dear Mr. Mailbox letter about how we were all able to band together and raise the money to plow under what he thinks is the first 6 feet of his front lawn.
Please let me know if you might be interested in supporting this cause. Drop me an email at stephenthedog(at) or stick a comment on this post. Hopefully the town will step up and take care of the issue but if not it would be nice to say we have a ton of people who are ready to back this project in the event that fail.
Would you donate for SPITE?
Donate for Spite, sure.
I want to donate for SPITE. I pledge $10 if needed.
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